أجهزة مكتبية
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الأقسام الفرعية
HTC Touch HD
HTC Touch - in High Definition. Watch music videos and streaming content in awe-inspiring high definition clarity for a mobile experience you never thought possible. Seductively sleek, the HTC Touch HD provides the next generation of mobile functionality, all at a simple touch. Fully integrated with Windows Mobile Professional 6.1, ultrafast 3.5G, ..
iPhone is a revolutionary new mobile phone that allows you to make a call by simply tapping a name or number in your address book, a favorites list, or a call log. It also automatically syncs all your contacts from a PC, Mac, or Internet service. And it lets you select and listen to voicemail messages in whatever order you want just like email...
Intel Core 2 Duo processor Powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo processor at speeds up to 2.16GHz, the new MacBook is the fastest ever. 1GB memory, larger hard drives The new MacBook now comes with 1GB of memory standard and larger hard drives for the entire line perfect for running more of your favorite applications and storing growing..
MacBook Air
MacBook Air is ultrathin, ultraportable, and ultra unlike anything else. But you don’t lose inches and pounds overnight. It’s the result of rethinking conventions. Of multiple wireless innovations. And of breakthrough design. With MacBook Air, mobile computing suddenly has a new standard...
Palm Treo Pro
Redefine your workday with the Palm Treo Pro smartphone. Perfectly balanced, you can respond to business and personal email, stay on top of appointments and contacts, and use Wi-Fi or GPS when you’re out and about. Then watch a video on YouTube, catch up with news and sports on the web, or listen to a few songs. Balance your work and play the..
Samsung SyncMaster 941BW
Imagine the advantages of going big without slowing down. The big 19" 941BW monitor combines wide aspect ratio with fast pixel response time, for bigger images, more room to work and crisp motion. In addition, the exclusive MagicBright 2, MagicColor and MagicTune technologies help deliver the ideal image in every situation, while sleek, narrow..
عكبر النحل
العكبر هو مادة طبيعية ينتجها النحل من مواد راتنجية يجمعها من الأشجار والنباتات. يُعرف العكبر أيضًا باسم "صمغ النحل" وله العديد من الفوائد الصحية. في ما يلي نظرة تفصيلية على العكبر:1. التركيب: يتكون العكبر من مزيج من الراتنجات، والزيوت الأساسية، والشمع، والبروتينات، والمعادن. يحتوي على مركبات مفيدة مثل الفلافونويدات والأحماض الفينولية.2.الفوائد الصح..
مدخنة النحل
The 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display delivers an amazing 2560 x 1600 pixel resolution. Designed specifically for the creative professional, this display provides more space for easier access to all the tools and palettes needed to edit, format and composite your work. Combine this display with a Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, or PowerMac G5 and there's no li..
حبوب اللقاح
حبوب اللقاح، تلك الهدايا الصغيرة التي تجمعها النحل من الزهور، ليست فقط عنصرًا أساسيًا في الطبيعة، بل هي أيضًا مليئة بالفوائد الصحية المدهشة. دعونا نستعرض بعض من هذه المنافع الرائعة! غنية بالمغذيات : تحتوي حبوب اللقاح على مجموعة واسعة من الفيتامينات والمعادن، بما في ذلك فيتامينات B، والفيتامين C، والزنك. تعتبر مصدرًا غنيًا للطاقة!&..